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Micro 11 23H2 is HERE!


After going through many revisions, and much research, development, and testing, our first official

Windows 11 23H2 Ultralight Release has landed!


For fans of our Ultralight Builds, especially our previously released Micro 11 22H2 Builds,

this build will feel very familiar to you in function and design, but also includes many new improvements,

optimizations, and new features thanks to the many new innovations that Microsoft has brought to

Windows 11 for version 23H2.


Micro 11 23H2 is one of the smallest, most efficient builds of Windows 11 23H2 available, and is ideal for

those looking for a very functional build of Windows 11 23H2, with a very small installation size.


Despite it's incredibly tiny footprint, it still includes a wealth of features and support, and can be used

on Desktop, Laptop, and Tablet PC alike, ideal for Gaming, Productivity, or Office use.


If you find Our Ultralight Builds like Micro 11 23H2 lack some of the features, compatability and support

that you need, we HIGHLY recommend giving our full featured Windows builds a try instead, like

Optimum 10 and Optimum 11. They run just as light and fast as our Ulralight Builds, but offer virtually

the same support as an untouched build of Windows.


We also have a special edition release of Micro 11 23H2 in the works! Called the Epic Edge Edition.

Head to our Utralight Builds Page for more information on this unique and groundbreaking release!